For non-members of a Templar Order

If you are not a member of a Templar Order you can apply for membership of the Templar Corps right now!

You will be given the entering rank of Private. You can progress in the ranks as you engage in our training programs and get involved in Projects of the Corps. You may never wish to become a member of a Templar Order – which has no implications in your Templar Corps affiliation. However, if you wish to see your rank recognized by a Templar Order, the Templar Corps may arrange your reception into the Secular Templar Order with whom we have a protocol.


Just fill the form.

  • Platinum For those with the Knight General rank
    Gold For Knight Colonel, Knight Colonel National Grand Officer and Knight Colonel International Grand Officer
    Silver For Sergeants, Lieutenants, Knight Captains and Knight Commanders
    Basic For Privates and all those who wish to serve in the Templar Corps projects.